Monday, May 09, 2005


Being springtime (though the realities of meteorology seem to contradict me on this one), I've taken the initiative to obtain a 5x10 foot storage unit at a self-service storage place near my apartment. It currently houses some tools and a disassembled Subaru EJ20 engine, and is going to become home to a partially disassembled transmission, a few sets of wheels and tires, side skirts, skidplates, and other miscellaneous automotive items. Most people use storage units to keep furniture, clothing, unwanted holiday decorations, perform dangerous and illegal underground sex change surgeries, and store bodies for future disposal -- but mine will simply contain automotive components and accessories, tools, computer gear, and possibly some clothes.

In the same vein, I upgraded my home PC from Windows 2000 to Windows XP... not a complete re-installation, but a simple "upgrade." Now, it'd be entirely normal for me to say that the "upgrade" had shredded my files, destroyed my installed programs, overwritten my photography archives, and said nasty things about my mother, but ... it's actually working. I'm afraid to look at it, lest it decide, "Woops! I'm a Microsoft product! There's no way that I'll simply upgrade your operating system seamlessly and not screw something up..."

Oh yeah, and I've been trying to teach myself Japanese. Weeeee...

Thursday, May 05, 2005

a beautiful day in the neighborhood

My current attempt to keep my blog updated on a daily basis almost failed as quickly as it started today... until I read the news at CNN.

Apparently, the Texas state legislature is dismayed at the sexually suggestive cheerleading of high school students in their state. Now, while it's been a good six years since I was in high school, I'm fairly sure that it didn't matter what the cheerleaders were saying... their simple identities as cheerleaders and the short-skirted outfits they wore were all the suggestion of sex that a teenage male would require. I mean, hell... one of the perks of being on the football team is getting to check out the cheerleaders as they practice, and later, cheer, at your games. That's the whole point.

State Representative Al Edwards (D, Houston) complained of cheerleaders "shaking their behinds, breaking it down." I know what you're thinking, and, no, he actually said that. As far as I'm concerned, the only cheerleaders I don't want to see "shaking their behinds" and "breaking it down" are the ugly ones and the ones with a truncated twenty-third chromosome.

I'm tired of this wave of "decency" washing across the country. I've now turned my former aggression toward California (including my wishes to set strategic explosives along the length of its border with the mainland, blow them up, and slide the state off into the ocean) toward Texas. I know that some of my friends live in that state, but Texas has just gone too far at attempting to force conservative "christian" values down the throats of the rest of the nation. Sever all ties and give it to Mexico.

If Davey Crockett had known that this was what he was fighting for, he would've said "screw the Alamo, I'm going home."

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

in other news

I've discovered why I'm so terrible at keeping this place updated... my standards are too high. Instead of dumping random thoughts as they come to me throughout the day, I wait until I have a photo, or a link, or something, to describe it.

In the upcoming weeks, I'm going to attempt to post at least once a day with whatever's on my mind, without imposing any produciton value on it.

So, today's miscellany? President Bush signed a new piece of legislation last week... the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act legistlation. Note, that if you include the "legislation" bit at the end, the abbreviation would be FECAL. How apropos.


So, I've redesigned the look of things around here. I got another email from someone who wanted to buy out from under me... my lack of updates must have people thinking that this domain is actually dead.


No, I'm just lazy.

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